The DresdenCup is an annual ISU-recognized competition in Synchronized Skating and an up-and-coming competition in Europe.

In 2024, the DresdenCup was selected by the ISU for Synchronized Skating for the first time.


At the same time, we are holding the DresdenCup as an interclub competition and have established it as a permanent fixture in the European competition calendar from 2019.


We are very happy about the nomination of the DresdenCup 2025 as an ISU Challenger Series competition.


The DresdenCup 2025 will take place from 24.01.2025 to 25.01.2025 as ISU Challenger Series Competition

and on 26.01.2025 as DresdenCup - Interclub Competition.




DresdenCup 2024 Supported by: